NCEA Level 1 Agriculture Science
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: J. Driver.
Agricultural and Horticultural industries are key drivers of New Zealand’s economic, social, and environmental development. The products of primary production are a source of well-being for the present generation and will be so for future generations, generating billions in export earnings every year. The future of this industry is bright with international demand and available jobs predicted to grow rapidly.
This year we will explore the following big ideas:
- Agriculture and horticulture connect people to locations of purposeful production
- Primary producers manage life processes and the growing environment
- Primary producers make informed decisions about sustainability
Our aims are:
- To encourage students to cherish learning in Agricultural Science
- To promote science as an activity that is part of everyday life
- To help students to develop knowledge and a coherent understanding of the living, physical, material and technological components of their environment
- To help students to develop skills for investigating the living, physical, material and technological components of their environment
- To develop students' interests in and understanding of the knowledge and processes of science which form the basis of many of their future careers
This subject will lead to a UE approved subject.
Recommended Prior Learning
Year 10 Agriculture or by consultation with Head of Agriculture.
An interest in Agriculture or Horticulture Science.
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
- 1B5 exercise book or refill paper/ring binder/subject dividers
- scientific calculator
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Agricultural and Horticultural Science 1.1 - Demonstrate understanding of how a life process is managed in a primary production system
Agricultural and Horticultural Science 1.2 - Demonstrate understanding of factors that influence the purpose and location of primary production
Agricultural and Horticultural Science 1.3 - Demonstrate understanding of how soil properties are managed in a primary production system
Agricultural and Horticultural Science 1.4 - Demonstrate understanding of environmental sustainability in primary production management practices
Pathway Tags
dairy farmer, forestry contractor, horticultural worker, vet nurse, Amenity Horticulture, Fruit Production, Vegetable Production, Nursery Production, Viticulture, Floristry, Landscaping, Horticultural Consultant, Science technician, Crop Production Manager, Forestry, Marketing Manager, Orchard Manager, Insectary Manager, Vegetable Farm Manager, Quality Controller,
For NCEA Levels 1, 2 & 3 courses will be made up of a selection of the stated standards. This will happen at the beginning of the year with the assigned teacher.