Teacher in Charge: S. Stephens-Tahuri.
This course needs to be taken if you intend to continue with this subject at Level 3 (Year 13).
Te Ao Haka is a new performance-based subject. It provides opportunities for ākonga to engage in Māori culture, language, and traditional practice. Ākonga learn their whakapapa, history and language through the medium of haka. The subject combines traditional and contemporary culture.
Perform as part of a group for a specific purpose (Flava festival)
Field trips/tours:
Flava festival
Hakatere Festival
Marae events
This course leads to a university entrance approved subject.
For NCEA Levels 1, 2 & 3 courses will be made up of a selection of the stated standards. This will happen at the beginning of the year with the assigned teacher.