This course requires 2 options.
Intensive English Language Learning
Course Description
Teacher in Charge:
This course is intended to help develop our students language learning skills and assist them in their living, studying, and working in New Zealand.
Students will be notified that they will be entered into this course.
The course runs over 2 lines.
Students will also take English as an Additional Language (EAL) as their level of English starts improving and they are ready to work on the different Unit Standards offered.
Pathway Tags
Trades, Armed Forces, Broadcaster, Reporter, Interpreter, Training Consultant, Librarian, Curator, Communications, Marketing Manager, Reviewer, Teacher, Editor, Lawyer, Publisher, Account Executive, Account Supervisor, Actor/actress, Administration, Administrative & Program Director, Administrative Assistant/Office Mgr., Advertising, Advertising Account Executive, Advertising Sales Representative, Announcer, Application Developer, Archivist, Area Coordinator, Assistant Account Executive, Assistant Editor/Production Editor, Associate Company Manager, Associate Director of Publicity, Associate Editor, Associate/Public Accountant, Attorney, Author, Bank Officer, Book Publisher, Bookstore manager, Broadcast Advertising Manager, Broadcasting, Business Operations Senior Planner, Buyer, Career Counselor, Certified Public Accountant, Child Care Specialist/Teacher, Columnist, Commodities Trader, Communication, Communication Skills Trainer, Communications Assistant, Community Affairs Specialist, Computer Manager/Consultant, Confidential Assistant Executive,
For NCEA Levels 1, 2 & 3 courses will be made up of a selection of the stated standards. This will happen at the beginning of the year with the assigned teacher.