Year 10 Money Management
Course Description
Teacher in Charge:
Course Aims:
This course will enable students to gain knowledge and understanding to become financially capable. The course teaches skills, knowledge and dispositions that enable a person to make "well informed financial decisions through their lives" (Ministry of Education, 2007).
Course Outline:
- Topics include: Economics, income and taxation, spending and wise buying, saving, budgeting, use of credit, student loans, KiwiSaver, investment and enterprise
- Focus on how to use money most effectively using Banquer High
This course provides an introduction and background for Level 1 Commerce later on.
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
1B8 Exercise Book
For NCEA Levels 1, 2 & 3 courses will be made up of a selection of the stated standards. This will happen at the beginning of the year with the assigned teacher.